Did not spend too much time here this trip. Made a trip up mount Moiwa to see the sunset. Truely a sight to behold. The camera can only capture this much.
The famous ramen street.
Have to say I know next to nothing about this place. Just happen to drive by
If you ever drop by here. Don't miss the ramen village. Some of the best in the country are all here.House specialty and one of the best ramen I taste in Japan. Shio charsiew ramen. (Salt base soup)
This place is dotted with hot springs hotel. The place we stay has the only moor hot springs (onsen) (onsen containing bio organic algae) in Japan. Can't take photo in the hot spring so you have to just take my word that the hot spring area of the hotel is really grand and takes up like a quarter of the hotel.
We are also pleasantly surprise that we are given the biggest room of the entire hotel! No extra charges!!! Biggest room (more like apartment) in the entire trip. I know of many people in tokyo staying in apartment smaller than this!!!
Some quick transoformation and the same living space now serves dinner. Kaiseki Ryori to be precise. The wooden box is a steamer.
Otaru..., Otaru..., if I have to chose a fav. place in hokkaido, it would be otaru A quaint little harbour town. Everything is quite simply charming! One of the most famous thing there is musical box. This is the junction in front of the musical box museum. Every 15mins the chimes from the various clocks tower can be heard. One in particular runs on steam. Inside the musical box museum. More mechandising then museum actually.
Make - Your - Own - Musical Box
The museum of antique musical box
This fella actually moves quite naturally when it plays.
Other musical boxes
The live seafood are amazing. You pick, they BBQ immediately. Taste fantastic. Also seen are these giant crab. Notice the size comparison with my daugther!
The famous Otaru Canal. This picture was taken at about 4am in the morning.